Lecture 5

Basic Fortran


Fortran is a compiled language where you write the program in one or more source files that are compiled into objects that are linked together to produce an executable.

Example program 1, ex1.f90

program, implicit none, real, print

! A very simple example
program ex1
  implicit none
  real(kind=8) :: a,b,c

  a = 1.d0
  b = exp(a)
  c = a+b
  print *, "The output is = ", c
end program ex1
$ gfortran -c ex1.f90
$ gfortran -o ex1.x ex1.o
$ ./ex1.x
The output is =    3.7182818284590451


FORTRAN stands for FOR mula TRAN slator and came to use with then first version Fortran I in 1954. Versions II, III, IV and Fortran 66 are all but forgotten but the more modern Fortran 77 is still very much in use.

The version we will use is a mix of Fortran 90/95/2003. Mainly we will use features that were introduced already in F90 but we will also need some features from 95/2003. Many of the features in the more modern Fortran standards make the language look more like C / C++ but we won’t touch on these at all.

Fortran Syntax

  • Unlike e.g. perl Fortran is case insensitive.

  • In Fortran 77 there are some quirky rules for the syntax. For example each line may have a fixed length (typically 72 characters) and has to start with 6 blanks. This is requirements carried over from the days of punch cards.

  • In modern Fortran each line can contain 132 characters but every line can be continued by & (up to 39 times in F95 and more in F2003).


Fortran Language Elements

  • Characters: a-z, 0-9, _, =, +, etc.
  • Tokens (separators): / ( ) (/ /) => : :: ; %
  • Tokens (operators): ** + - .not. .and. .or. // etc.
  • Keywords: if do where forall select case etc.
  • Keywords(with or without space): enddo or end do, go to or goto, etc.

Intrinsic Data Types:

  • INTEGER (numeric)
  • REAL (numeric)
  • COMPLEX (numeric)
  • CHARACTER (non-numeric)
  • LOGICAL (non-numeric)


  • An integer is simply…. an integer like 1, 2, 0, -2, 1234.

  • The range of an integer is not specified in the language but typically it is \(-2^{n-1}\) to \(+2^{n-1} -1\) with \(n\) being the word size in bits. So on a 32-bit computer the range would be -2147483648 to 2147483647.

  • Fortran allows for you to select the range by

    integer, parameter :: k3 = selected_int_kind(3)
    integer (kind = k3) :: i,j,k
    ! integer (k3) :: i,j,k ! Alternative form
    ! i,j,k are in the range -999,999
    i = 22_k3 ! Makes sure 22 is of kind k3


  • Real numbers also have range as specified by selected_real_kind(D,E) where D is number of digits and E is the exponent.
  • Old Fortran often used DOUBLE PRECISION which is not strictly set in standard, although in practice it is often the same as selected_real_kind(15, 307)
  • On the next slide are some options for declaring a “double precision” real.


integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(15, 307)
! Or
integer, parameter :: dp = kind(1.d0)
! Or all of single, double and quad
integer, parameter ::                              &
 sp = kind(1.0),                                &
 dp = selected_real_kind(2*precision(1.0_sp)),  &
 qp = selected_real_kind(2*precision(1.0_dp))
! Or by the F2008 iso standard
use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
integer, parameter :: sp = REAL32
integer, parameter :: dp = REAL64
! If you are planning to mix and match with C
use iso_c_binding
integer, parameter:: sp = c_float
integer, parameter:: dp = c_double
integer, parameter:: li = c_long
real(kind = dp) :: x,y,z
integer(kind = li) :: ii,jj,kk

Watch out for single precision bugs!!!

program apa1
  use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env
  implicit none
  real(REAL64), parameter :: pi_1 = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169_REAL64
  real(REAL64), parameter :: pi_2 = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169
  write(*,*) pi_1-acos(-1.d0), pi_1-acos(-1.0)
  write(*,*) pi_2-acos(-1.d0), pi_2-acos(-1.0)
  write(*,*) pi_1, pi_2
end program apa1
$ gfortran apa1.f90
$ ./a.out
  0.0000000000000000       -8.7422780126189537E-008
  8.7422780126189537E-008   0.0000000000000000
  3.1415926535897931        3.1415927410125732

Scalars and Arrays

  • The different numerical types can be scalars or arrays.

  • Arrays are very flexible in Fortran and can have 7 dimensions (rank) or 15 for those compilers (Intel but not gfortran) that support it (F2008 standard).

  • Some examples:

    real, dimension(-1:3) :: a
    real(-2:2) :: b
    real, dimension(3,0:2) :: c
    integer, parameter :: n = 10
    integer, dimension(n,n,n,n) :: i4
  • Accessing elements in an array

    a(-1:3:2) = 1.0
    b(:) = a(:)

Allocating Memory for Arrays

  • Explicit-shape arrays in the beginning of the main program are allocated at compile/run time.

  • Deferred-shape arrays can be allocatable or pointers

    real, allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: a
    ! Stuff ...

We will talk more about arrays once we discuss subroutines.

Control Constructs

The if else statement:

if (i .ge. 3) p = 1.0
if (i .ge. 3) then
    p = 1.0
end if
if (i .ge. 3) then
    p = 1.0
else if (i .eq. 1) then
    p = 2.0
    p = 1.0
end if
name: if (i >=  3) then
         p = 1.0
      end if name

Do Construct

n = 10
sum = 0.0
do i = 1,n,3
  sum = sum + 1.0
end do
do i = j+4,m,-k(j)**2
  sum = sum + 1.0
end do
i = 1
  i = i*(i+1)
  if (i .le. 10) exit
end do

Do Construct


do j = 1,10
  do i = 1,10
    a(i,j) = 1.0
  end do
end do


do i = 1,10
  do j = 1,10
    a(i,j) = 1.0
  end do
end do

Case Construct

select case (number)   ! numer is an integer
case (:-1)                    ! all values below 0
  sgn = -1
case (0)                       ! only 0
  sgn = 0
case (1:)                     ! all values above 0
  sgn = 1
end select

Questions? Examples

Example program 2, loops.f90

integer, parameter :: n = 3
real(kind = dp), parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383279_dp
integer :: i
real(kind = dp) :: a
real :: c = 0.0
logical :: correct
do i = 1,n
   if ( i < 2) then
      c = c + pi ; a = abs(dble(i)*pi-c)/(dble(i)*pi) ; correct = .false.
   elseif (i == 2) then
      a = (i/n)*pi ; correct = .false.
      a = (i/n)*pi ; correct = .true.
   print *, i, a, correct
end do

Be careful with single/double precision!

real(kind = dp) :: a
real :: c = 0.0
logical :: correct
do i = 1,n
   if ( i < 2) then
      c = c + pi ; a = abs(dble(i)*pi-c)/(dble(i)*pi) ; correct = .false.
   elseif (i == 2) then
      a = (i/n)*pi ; correct = .false.
      a = (i/n)*pi ; correct = .true.
   print *, i, a, correct
end do
1   2.7827535191837951E-008 F
2   0.0000000000000000      F
3   3.1415926535897931      T

Example program 3, pfun.f90

program pfun
  implicit none
  real(dp) :: x,y
  real(dp), external  :: myfun
  x = 3.d0
  y = myfun(x)
  write(*,*) "x = ",x, "and y = ",y
end program pfun

real(dp) function myfun(x)
  real(dp), intent(in) :: x
  myfun = x*x
end function myfun

External functions must be declared as external. Use intent to help the compiler. Write instead of print. The function is external although it is in the same file as the program. It is outside the program statement.

This function is pure, it does not have any side effects.

Example program 4, psub.f90

program psub
  implicit none
  real(dp) :: x,y
  x = 3.0_dp
  call mysub(x,y)
  write(*,*) "x = ",x, "and y = ",y
end program psub

subroutine mysub(x,y)
  implicit none
  real(dp), intent(in)  :: x
  real(dp), intent(out) :: y
  y =  x*x
end subroutine mysub

Subroutines does not return anything and does not have to be declared.

Program 5, psub_bugs.f90

BE CAREFUL WITH ARGUMENTS!!! They are typically NOT checked

program psub_bugs
  implicit none
  real(dp) :: x,y
  real(sp) :: s
  integer :: k
  x = 3.0_dp ; s = 3.0_sp ; k = 3
  call mysub(x,y) ; write(*,*) "x = ",x, "and y = ",y
  call mysub(s,y) ; write(*,*) "x = ",s, "and y = ",y
  call mysub(k,y) ; write(*,*) "x = ",k, "and y = ",y
end program psub_bugs
$ gfortran psub_bugs.f90; ./a.out
 x = 3.0000000000000000  and y = 9.0000000000000000
 x = 3.00000000          and y = 0.0000000000000000
 x = 3                   and y = Infinity

Program units

There are three program units in Fortran

  • Subprogram i.e. SUBROUTINE / FUNCTION


What to think about for dG

  1. Compute integrals
  2. Approximate solution by polynomial
  3. Store solution on each element
  4. Line / surface / volume integrals
  5. Map from reference element and each elem.
  6. Change of variables…