
This section describes the plain vanilla Hermite-Taylor method for solving the scalar transport equation with periodic boundary conditions

\[\begin{eqnarray} && u_t = a u_x, \ \ x \in [x_L,x_R], \, t>0, \\ && u(x,0) = f(x), \ \ u(x_L,t) = u(x_R,t). \end{eqnarray}\]

For this particular example we choose \(x_L = 0, \, x_R = 1, \, f(x) = \sin(2 \pi x)\).

The implementation of this basic example has the same structure as the more involved examples discussed later. The main program is contained in the file chides/transport/1d/herm1d.f90. The main program will call subroutines that are specific to the above problem and contained in the module pdemodule implemented in the file chides/transport/1d/transport1d.f90. All examples will have these two elements, a main program (hermXd.f90, X being the number of dimensions) and a PDE module (pdename.f90). In addition, a typical implementation will call various service routines for polynomial manipulation, input-output, etc. For this first example we try to keep the complexity low and only use two service routines chides/service/Hermite.f90 related to the central task of forming a Hermite interpolating polynomial, and chides/service/get_Taylor1d.f90 to turn point values into Taylor polynomials.


The equations will be advanced one half time step \(\frac{\Delta t}{2}\) from a primal grid

\[\begin{equation} x_i = x_L + i h_x, \ \ i = 0, \ldots, n_x, \ \ h_x = (x_R-x_L)/n_x, \end{equation}\]

to a dual grid

\[\begin{equation} x_i = x_L + (i+1/2) h_x, \ \ i = 1, \ldots, n_x, \ \ h_x = (x_R-x_L)/n_x. \end{equation}\]

In herm1d.f90 this corresponds to the code block:

! Primal grid
DO i=0,nx
! Dual grid
DO i=1,nx

Approximating the solution by a piecewise polynomial

Hermite methods are based on the representation of the solution \(u(x,t_n)\) at some fixed time level \(t_n\) in terms of degree \(m+1\) nodal based scaled polynomials centered around each grid point. For example on the primal grid we have that

\[\begin{equation} u(x,t_n) \approx p_i(x) = \sum_{l = 0}^{m} c_l \left( \frac{x - x_i }{h_x}\right)^l, x \in [x_{i-\frac{1}{2}},x_{i+\frac{1}{2}}], \ \ i = 0,\ldots,n_x. \end{equation}\]

Note that on the grid point \(x_i\) the coefficients of the polynomial are related to the derivatives of the polynomial in the following way

\[\begin{equation} c_l = \frac{h_x^l}{l!} \left. \frac{d^l p}{dx^l} \right|_{x = x_i}. \end{equation}\]

Thus, the degrees of freedom in the method can (interchangeably) be thought of as derivatives of the solution or coefficients of a local polynomial.

In CHIDES the coefficients \(c_l\) on each node on the primal and dual grid are stored in two arrays, again see herm1d.f90:

DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(0:m,nvar,1:nx) :: uh

The leading dimension refers to the number of coefficients (or derivatives) at each node, nvar is the number of variables, e.g. 1 for a scalar problem and >1 for a system of equations. The third dimension refers to the index along the grids.

Initial data

At the beginning of the computation the initial data is used to initialize the coefficients \(c_l\) by call CALL indat(u,x,hx,nx,m,nvar), with indat being specified in transport1d.f90. Here, as the initial data is a sin function computing derivatives is rather easy, but instead we use the service routine get_Taylor1d.f90 which computes the coefficients using polynomial interpolation:

u = 0.d0
DO j=0,nx
   CALL get_Taylor1d(u(:,1,j),x(j),m,2*m+1,hx,infun)

Here the inputs to get_Taylor1d are the local coordinate x(j), the degree of the Taylor polynomial m, the degree of the interpolant 2*m+1 chosen to guarantee convergence at the design order, the cell width hx, and finally the function evaluating the initial data infun. In this case


The output is the array of scaled Taylor coefficients at the jth node. The interpolation get_Taylor1d.f90 is carried out on a Chebyshev grid of width hx centered at x(j). See the description in Chapter 4 for details.

Forming the Hermite interpolating polynomial

The first step in evolving the approximate solution to the next half timestep at a dual gridpoint \(x_{i+\frac{1}{2}}\) is to form a degree \(2m+1\) polynomial

\[\begin{equation} p_{i-\frac{1}{2}}(x) = \sum_{l = 0}^{2m+1} c_l \left( \frac{x - x_{i-\frac{1}{2} }}{h_x}\right)^l,\ \ x \in [x_{i-1},x_{i}], \ \ i = 1,\ldots,n_x, \end{equation}\]

from the polynomials representing the initial data at the two nearby primal gridpoints. That is, the coefficients of the new polynomial are determined by insisting that it interpolates the nearby polynomials. Functionally, this amounts to applying a the linear map corresponding to Hermite interpolation, say \(A\), to the nearby polynomials to find \(p_{i-\frac{1}{2}} = A(p_{i-1},p_{i})\). In the actual code this just corresponds to assembling the nearby coefficients into a \(2m+2 \times 1\) vector which is multiplied by a matrix Aintx corresponding to \(A\). For example in the section of the code where the initial data is output to file we have:

DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(0:2*m+1,0:2*m+1) :: Aintx
DOUBLE PRECISION, DIMENSION(0:2*m+1) :: udata, pplot


   udata(0:m)       = u(0:m,1,i)
   udata(m+1:2*m+1) = u(0:m,1,i+1)
   pplot = MATMUL(Aintx,udata)

The matrix Aintx is computed in the program herm1d.f90

CALL Hermite(m,node_left,node_right,node_interp,Aintx,0)

using the subroutine Hermite from in chides/service/Hermite.f90.

Evolving the Hermite interpolating polynomial

To evolve the above polynomial we consider the space-time approximation

\[\begin{equation} p^n_{i-\frac{1}{2}}(x,t) = \sum_{l=0}^{2m+1} \sum_{s=0}^{q} d_{ls} \left( \frac{x - x_{i+\frac{1}{2}} }{h_x}\right)^l \left( \frac{t - t_n }{\Delta t}\right)^s, \end{equation}\]

which when evaluated at time \(t = t_n\) reduces to

\[\begin{equation} p_{i-\frac{1}{2}}(x,t_n) = \sum_{l = 0}^{2m+1} d_{l0} \left( \frac{x - x_{i-\frac{1}{2} }}{h_x}\right)^l,\ \ x \in [x_{i-1},x_{i}], \ \ i = 1,\ldots,n_x, \end{equation}\]

and we thus have \(d_{l0} = c_l\).

To find the remaining coefficients \(d_{ls}, s > 0\) we will use the PDE. In particular we will insist that the approximation \(p_{i-\frac{1}{2}}(x,t)\) satisfies the PDE at \((x^\ast,t_n)\). For notational convenience consider the approximation at one dual gridpoint, say \(x^\ast\) and denote it by \(p(x,t)\). Then we have that

\[\begin{eqnarray} \frac{\partial p(x^\ast,t_n)}{\partial x} = \frac{d_{10}}{h_x},\\ \frac{\partial p(x^\ast,t_n)}{\partial t} = \frac{d_{01}}{\Delta t}, \end{eqnarray}\]

thus from the PDE we find that we may express the first time-derivative in the Taylor series

\[\begin{equation} \frac{\partial p(x^\ast,t_n)}{\partial t} = a \frac{\partial p(x^\ast,t_n)}{\partial x} \ \ \Rightarrow \ \ d_{01} = a \frac{{\Delta t}}{h_x} d_{10}. \end{equation}\]

By repeated differentiation in space and time of the PDE

\[\begin{equation} \frac{\partial^{r+k} u}{\partial t^r \partial^k} = a \frac{\partial^{r-1+k+1} u}{\partial t^{r-1} \partial x^{k+1}}, \end{equation}\]

which upon replacing \(u\) with \(p\) yields the recursion relation:

\[\begin{equation} d_{rk} = a \frac{{\Delta t}}{h_x} \frac{k+1}{r} d_{r-1,k+1},, \ \ r = 1,\ldots, \ \ k = 0,\ldots, \end{equation}\]

specifying all time derivatives in the Taylor series in terms of spatial derivatives.

In the code this update is done in the main time-stepping loop

DO it=1,nsteps
   ! first half step
   t = DBLE(it-1)*dt
   ! At the end of the first half step all entries of
   ! uh will have been updated
   uh = 0.d0
   ! Loop over all dual gridpoints
   DO i=1,nx

      ! tcofs contains the coefficients c_{l,s}
      ! l = 0,2*m+1, s = 0,q

      ! c_{l,0}, l = 0,2*m+1 are found by interpolating data
      ! from adjacent primal nodes
      udata(0:m)       = u(:,1,i-1)
      udata(m+1:2*m+1) = u(:,1,i)

      ! The rest of the coefficients are found via the
      ! recursion:
      ! c_{l,s} = dt/h*(l+1)/s * c_{l+1,s-1}
      ! This is done in the subroutine pde
      CALL pde(tcofs,2*m+1,q,nvar,cflx,etax,xh(i),t)

Filling in all the ‘’time coefficients’’ in tcofs is done inside the subroutine pde from chides/transport/1d/herm1d.f90:

SUBROUTINE pde(tcofs,mp,q,nvar,cflx,etax,x,t)
  ! This pde implements the recursion relation
  ! associated with the linear transport equation
  ! u_t = a*u_x
  implicit none
  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: mp,q,nvar
  DOUBLE PRECISION, INTENT(IN) :: cflx,etax,x,t
  INTEGER :: idx,idt
  a_dt_h = a*cflx
  DO idt=1,q
     DO idx=0,mp-idt
     END DO

With all the time-coefficients available we can evaluate the approximation \(p(x,t)\) at a later time \((x^\ast,t_n+\frac{\Delta t}{2})\) for the first \(m\) spatial derivatives yielding the new approximation of \(u(x,t_{n+\frac{1}{2}})\):

\[\begin{equation} u(x,t_{n+\frac{1}{2}}) \approx p^n_{i-\frac{1}{2}}(x) = \sum_{l=0}^{m} \sum_{s=0}^{q} \tilde{c}_{l} \left( \frac{x - x_{i+\frac{1}{2}} }{h_x}\right)^l, \ \ x \in [x_{i-1},x_{i}], \ \ i = 1,\ldots,n_x, \end{equation}\]

where the new coefficients \(\tilde{c}_l\) are

\[\begin{equation} \tilde{c}_l = \sum_{s = 0}^{q} d_{ls} \left( \frac{1}{2} \right)^s, \ \ l =0,\ldots,m. \end{equation}\]

In the code this looks like:

! When all coefficients are known
! the Taylor series can be evaluated
! and uh(i) updated
DO idx=0,m
   uh(idx,1,i) = tcofs(idx,0,1)
   dfact = 1.d0
   DO l = 1,q
      dfact = dfact*0.5d0
      uh(idx,1,i) = uh(idx,1,i) &
           + dfact*tcofs(idx,l,1)

Second half timestep and boundary conditions

The second half timestep follows the same procedure as described above:

  1. Form an interpolating polynomial

    ! second half step
    ! Same thing as above but we now update
    ! the interor of u
    t = t + 0.5d0*dt
    DO i = 1,nx-1
       tcofs = 0.d0
       udata(0:m)       = uh(:,1,i)
       udata(m+1:2*m+1) = uh(:,1,i+1)
       tcofs(0:2*m+1,0,1) = MATMUL(Aintx,udata)
  2. Then use the PDE and update the approximation at the full timestep

    CALL pde(tcofs,2*m+1,q,nvar,cflx,etax,x(i),t)
     ! Add up the Taylor series
     DO idx=0,m
        DO l=1,q
           u(idx,1,i)=u(idx,1,i) &
        END DO
     END DO
    END DO

For this example the boundary conditions are taken to be periodic. This means that the interior update procedure can be applied on the boundary as well, with the slight difference that when the interpolating polynomial is formed, data ‘’from outside the domain’’ is replaced by the periodic copy:

! now the left and right bcs
! left
CALL pde(tcofs,2*m+1,q,nvar,cflx,etax,x(0),t)
! Add up the Taylor series
DO idx=0,m
   DO l=1,q
      u(idx,1,0)=u(idx,1,0) &
! Right

Compiling and Running the program

In the directory chides/transport/1D there is a simple makefile that can be used to compile the program by simply typing make in a terminal window. This assumies you are standing in the directory chides/transport/1D and that your system has gfortran installed. If you are using another compiler simply change the makefile.

If you are successful in building the solver you should have an executable named herm1d.x that you can run.

Displaying the results

After running the program you should see something like:

bash-3.2$ ./herm1d.x
     Space step,     Max-error
     5.00000E-02     6.60343E-10

The program should also have generated a number of snapshots of the solution, u0000000.txt, u0000001.txt, etc. These can be displayed in Matlab using the script plot_sol.m.

Changing the order and number of gridpoints

All the parameters associated with a simulation are contained in the top block of the pdemodule (residing in transport1d.f90):

MODULE pdemodule
 !  Problem setup for solving 1d transport equation:
 !  u_t = a u_x
 !  With periodic boundary conditions
 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: m = 3        ! spatial order 2m+1
 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: q = 2*m+2    ! terms in the Taylor series
 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nx = 20      ! Discretization uses nx+1 points from xl to xr
 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nxp = 500    ! Number of points in the output

 DOUBLE PRECISION, PARAMETER :: CFL = 0.95d0 ! Ratio dt/h
 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nout = 1     ! output the solution every nout times
 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nvar = 1     !

 DOUBLE PRECISION, PARAMETER :: a = 1.0d0 ! Wave speed

 DOUBLE PRECISION, PARAMETER :: ttot = 10.0d0 ! Final time
 DOUBLE PRECISION, PARAMETER :: xl = 0.0d0   ! Domain boundaries
 ! Other constants
 DOUBLE PRECISION, PARAMETER :: pi = 3.1415926535897932385d0

This is where you would change the order and the number of gridpoints etc.